Looking for more content ideas? You Are One Step Closer to Download 12,590+ Premium Quality eBooks, Software, Videos and Other PLR Products Which You Can Resell As Your Own!
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What is PLR Products?
People often ask What are PLR Products. But its a peace of product which can be used by anyone with the permission of its creators.
PLR stands for Private Label Rights. PLR content is any type of content that gives you the right to edit, change or modify it however you want. Some sites vary the limitations of these rights, but the intent is the same.
If this sounds foreign to you, think again. I’m sure you’ve shopped in supermarkets or chain stores that have products with their names on them. Do you think they made those themselves? No way.
Most of these stores buy their private name products from generic manufacturers who give them the right to put their own names on them. So the package of pasta that has your local supermarket’s label on it may be exactly the same as the one down the road with another market’s name.
That is PLR Content.
Same product, different look, and label.
How to create PLR Products?
Creating PLR Products is easy. Just start writing or pay someone to do it for you. As long as it’s written from scratch and referenced when needed you shouldn’t have to worry about infringing someone else’s rights.
You could also go a step further by checking the work on Copyscape. After that, you can set the rights to your customers as you like, including letting then claiming it as their own.
How to use PLR Products to Make Money?
Sell a PLR product as it is
Many people recommend the PLR products as an easy way of starting an online business. More exactly, the idea is to buy a PLR product in your niche, put your name on it, and then sell it.
It’s like when you’d have your product, but instead of putting a lot of time and effort to create a product from scratch, you got a product you can sell in no time.
Publish PLR articles to your Blog
How about starting a blog and then publish PLR articles as the content? It’s faster and cheaper than writing the content yourself or hiring someone to write the content.
People also ask How to use PLR Products to Make Money so these are some other ways to Use PLR Products to Make Money.
- Sell PLR Products Directly On Your Blog or Site
- Sell PLR Products To Your List
- Sell PLR Products Through Direct Advertisement
- Use PLR Articles To Create An Autoresponder Email Series
- Use PLR For New Content Research Ideas
- Submit PLR Content To Sites That Allow Content Submission
- Use PLR Content To Build Websites To Flip Later on
- Use PLR Products To Run Your Membership Sites
- Use PLR Content In Your Writing Business
- Use PLR Content For Commenting and Social Media Engagements
- Create and Sell Ebooks From Combined Series of PLR Ebooks or Articles
- Create Video or Audio Products from Ebooks
- Offer The Resell Rights For Free To Your Potential Prospects
- Offer PLR Products As Bonuses To The Main Product
- Give Away Branded Versions of Resell Rights Software
- Create and Sell Unbranded Versions of Software For Higher Cost
How to Edit PLR Products?
Whenever you purchase Premium PLR Products, among the different items that should be included with your purchase are what are called source files.
While I highly recommend the premium tools for a premium output, there are free alternatives to those premium tools like for example, instead of Photoshop, there is GIMP that you can find at gimp.org. And instead of Dreamweaver, there is Notepad++ that you can find at notepad-plus-plus.org or something similar to that, only with a lot of bells and whistles Or instead of the all-powerful Microsoft Office products like Word or PowerPoint, well there’s the WPS Office that contains powerful word document tools for your PDFs and eBooks and a presentation tool for your slideshow style videos.
These tools will help you in your Premium PLR Products Editing.
How to Rebrand PLR Products?
Adding watermark to multiple files at one go…
- For photo & video: https://www.watermark.ws/
- For photo: https://www.watermarquee.com/
And manual do-it-yourself…
- For video: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/w…ve/movie-maker
- For video: Freetime software
- For video: Jahshaka, ReInventing Hollywood
- For image: https://inkscape.org/en/
- For image: https://www.gimp.org/
How to Sell PLR Products?
You can sell PLR Products with the help of niche-specific traffic.
You can generate this traffic in many ways. The best ones are Organic Traffic, Facebook Groups Traffic & YouTube Traffic.
Where to Sell PLR Products?
You can use these websites to sell your PLR Products.
- Amazon Kindle
- Blurb
- Nook Press
- Smashwords
- E-Junkie
Can I sell PLR Products on Clickbank?
As long as you get new graphics made and name it something different, how would they ever know it was PLR?
If you’re just going to put it straight up for sale on cb though, they don’t seem to be too picky. But personally I wouldn’t sell something as my own that has been seen before, especially under a different name.
The best way to take advantage of PLR is to rewrite some of it, put your personality into it, really make it into your own product, and then go for it.
PLR Products Free Download
Looking for more content ideas in form of PLR Products?
You Are One Step Closer to Download 12,590+ Premium Quality eBooks, Software, Videos and Other PLR Products Which You Can Resell As Your Own!